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Download MySpeed for Windows Version 3

Latest Version 3 Release

MySpeed v3.8.4.252

Updated: Wednesday July 2nd 2012 6:00pm PDT
Note: This release fixes the Flash 11.3 issue for Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP (SP3).


System Requirements:

Windows OS (WinXP SP3, Vista, Win7)
Internet Explorer, Firefox or Google Chrome*
Adobe Flash 10.0 - 11.4
* Google Chrome's new Pepper Flash must be disabled.  More Info ...



Is Your MySpeed Up-to-Date?

MySpeed Version 5 for Windows and Mac Now Available

  • Support for HTML5
  • Support for YouTube HTML5 player, Hulu and Google Voice
  • Toggle between normal and last speed
  • Track time saved

Learn more and Upgrade Now.