Speed up MP3s and MP4s with MySpeed
 Download for Windows or Mac
MySpeed allows you to control the playback Speed of MP3 audio files and MP4 video files. With the new HTML5 standard, play your audio and video files on Windows or Mac OS X right inside a web browser and control the speed with MySpeed.
On Windows
- Open Firefox or Google Chrome to a blank page or any web page.
- Locate the MP3 or MP4 file on your computer with Windows File Explorer. If your MP3 or MP4 files are in iTunes, Windows Media Player or RealPlayer you can locate the files by Right-Clicking on the file title in the Media Player and making the appropriate selection below from the context menu:
- Windows Media Player: "Open file location"
- RealPlayer: "File -> Locate File"
- iTunes: "Show in Windows Explorer"
- Drag and Drop the file on to the browser Window that you opened above.
- The file will begine to play inside the browser and MySpeed will be able to control the speed.
On Mac OS X
- Open Safari, Firefox or Google Chrome to a blank page or any web page.
- Locate the MP3 or MP4 file on your computer with Finder. If your MP3 or MP4 files are in iTunes you can locate the files by holding the Ctrl-Key and clicking on the song title to display the context menu and select "Show in Finder" from the context menu.
- Drag and Drop the file on to the browser Window that you opened above.
- The file will begine to play inside the browser and MySpeed will be able to control the speed.